Renewable Gas Guarantees Of Origin (RGGOs)

C-Zero works with Green Gas producers such as AD operators looking for a route to market for the certificates they generate.

Renewable Gas Guarantees of Origin (RGGOs) are issued to biomethane producers for every kWh of green gas that they produce. They play an important role in rewarding biomethane producers for supplying low-carbon energy, whilst providing verification information for buyers that the gas they are consuming is environmentally friendly.

How we can help


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are RGGOs?

    By retiring RGGO certificates equivalent to their gas consumption, end user consumers can demonstrate the gas they have withdrawn from a distribution network has been matched to a unit of green gas produced and placed in the same network.


    The GGCS ensures that only one RGGO is issued for each unit injected; they are transferred securely and only ever allocated to one consumer. This ensures green gas cannot be double counted.


  • What is ‘Green Gas’?

    GGCS can issue RGGOs for any type of green gas that meets the schemes requirement of being “a gas produced from a renewable source, that has lower GHG emissions from its production and consumption than an equivalent fossil fuel product”. In addition, it must meet the injection quality requirements of the distribution network.

    To date the GGCS has issued almost all its RGGOs for biomethane injected into the UK Gas distribution network.

  • Are there different types of RGGOs?

    RGGOs are typically issued quarterly and are labelled by the biomass classification of the inputs over that quarter as either Product/Co-Product (also referred to as ‘Crop’), Residue or Waste.

    Waste and Residue RGGOs typically gain a higher price than Product/Co-Product certificates.

  • What are RGGOs used for?

    By retiring RGGO certificates equivalent to their gas consumption, end user consumers can demonstrate the gas they have withdrawn from a distribution network has been matched to a unit of green gas produced and placed in the same network. The GGCS ensures that only one RGGO is issued for each unit injected, they are transferred securely, and only ever allocated to one consumer. This ensures green gas cannot be double counted.

  • Do RGGOs have an expiry date?

    RGGOs expire if they have not been allocated to an end-user consumer within 3 years and 3 months of gas production.

  • What happens when RGGOs are retired?

    When an account holder retires RGGOs, a retirement statement is generated, which allocates those RGGOs to a gas consumer or to a group of consumers who are part of a specific gas tariff.

    C-Zero can retire certificates on your behalf.

  • Who can claim RGGOs?

    Green gas producers are issued RGGOs based on the amount of green gas they have produced. Gas producers must provide the GGCS robust evidence of their green gas production and independent verification of all their meter readings and GHG calculations.

  • How much are RGGOs worth and how can I sell them?

    The market price is constantly changing but RGGOs represent a significant income stream for renewable gas producers. C-Zero has access to many buyers in the UK and Europe and is well placed to gain the maximum value for your certificates.


    C-Zero can offer a range of different models for buying certificates, either taking them as a spot-deal for a specified price or offering off-take deals where future volumes are sold to guarantee an income stream.


  • What is ISCC certification?

    ISCC stands for International Sustainability and Carbon Certification. By becoming  ISCC accredited, a biomethane producer can demonstrate their gas was generated from approved feedstocks and meets certain greenhouse gas requirements.


    This is traced through issuing an associated ‘Proof of Sustainability’ form, which typically enables the RGGO certificates to be sold for a premium.

    C-Zero is ISCC-certified – we can buy and sell ISCC-certified RGGOs.




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