Market Report | April 2024


  • With the Ofgem Fuel Mix Disclosure (FMD) deadline looming for suppliers and their final customer supply figures coming in, they are busy balancing their position.
  • As a result, we are currently seeing some strong buying interest and CP22 REGO pricing is holding around the £11-13/REGO mark.
  • With this in mind, it is prudent to complete any CP22 REGO claims and transfers now, to identify if you have surplus REGOs to bring to market. Historically we have seen prices fall off a cliff at this time of year, once suppliers have procured all of their required certificates.
  • Interest in CP23 is starting to pick up with prices of £7-8.50/REGO being achieved.
  • Please arrange a call if you want to review your REGO strategy for the coming year or have any additional unregistered renewable assets of any capacity. We can help guide you through the registration process.


“CP22 REGO pricing continues to hold – for now”

Clare Haigh - Head of Environmental Markets at C-Zero
Clare Haigh


  • RGGO prices continue to languish around the £4-5 MWh mark for Crop and £8-9 MWh for Waste.
  • Buyers are bidding at the above prices for 2024 production too but are seeing little response from producers.
  • Demand for ISCC accredited RGGOs has had a slight resurgence but the regulatory uncertainty in Europe and from the GHG protocol remain, which is stifling demand.
  • Enquiries from buyers are mostly for 2024 volumes, but there are a small number of buyers still looking for 2023 volumes.
  • Producers with 2023 volumes are trying to hold firm on prices, but with limited takers.



“RGGO prices continue to languish for both 2023 and 2024 volumes”

Clare Haigh - Head of Environmental Markets at C-Zero
Clare Haigh